Generative AI Series

Ollama — Build a ChatBot with Langchain, Ollama & Deploy on Docker

Working with Ollama to run models locally, build LLM applications that can be deployed as docker containers.

A B Vijay Kumar
5 min readFeb 21, 2024


This blog is an ongoing series on GenerativeAI and is a continuation of the previous blogs. In this blog series, we will explore Ollama, and build applications that we can deploy in a distributed architectures using docker.

Ollama is a framework that makes it easy to run powerful language models on your own computer. Please refer to Ollama — Brings runtime to serve LLMs everywhere. | by A B Vijay Kumar | Feb, 2024 | Medium for an introduction to Ollama. In this blog we will be building the langchain application and deploying on Docker.

Langchain Chatbot application for Ollama

Let’s build the chatbot application using Langshan, to access our model from the Python application, we will be building a simple Steamlit chatbot application. We will be deploying this Python application in a container and will be using Ollama in a different container. We will build the infrastructure using docker-compose. If you do not know how to use docker, or docker-compose, please go through some tutorials on internet, before you go any further.

The following picture shows the architecture of how the containers interact, and what ports they will be…



A B Vijay Kumar

IBM Fellow, Master Inventor, Mobile, RPi & Cloud Architect & Full-Stack Programmer